Tìm kiếm doanh nghiệp

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Tổng công ty Hàng không Việt Nam

Tổng công ty Hàng không Việt Nam có địa chỉ tại 200 Nguyễn Sơn - Phường Bồ Đề - Quận Long Biên - Hà Nội. Mã số thuế 0105975444 Đăng ký & quản lý bởi Cục Thuế Thành phố Hà Nội

Ngành nghề kinh doanh chính: NÔNG NGHIỆP, LÂM NGHIỆP VÀ THUỶ SẢN

Cập nhật: 9 năm trước

Thông tin chi tiết

Gửi yêu cầu cập nhật thông tin doanh nghiệp này
Mã số ĐTNT


Ngày cấp 20-08-2012 Ngày đóng MST
Tên chính thức

Tổng công ty Hàng không Việt Nam

Tên giao dịch

Nơi đăng ký quản lý Cục Thuế Thành phố Hà Nội Điện thoại / Fax 0438272289 /
Địa chỉ trụ sở

200 Nguyễn Sơn - Phường Bồ Đề - Quận Long Biên - Hà Nội

Nơi đăng ký nộp thuế Điện thoại / Fax 0438272289 /
Địa chỉ nhận thông báo thuế 200 Nguyễn Sơn - Phường Bồ Đề - Quận Long Biên - Hà Nội
QĐTL/Ngày cấp / C.Q ra quyết định
GPKD/Ngày cấp / Cơ quan cấp
Năm tài chính Mã số hiện thời Ngày nhận TK 17-08-2012
Ngày bắt đầu HĐ Vốn điều lệ Tổng số lao động
Cấp Chương loại khoản 1-161-190-194 Hình thức h.toán PP tính thuế GTGT Không phải nộp thuế giá trị
Chủ sở hữu

Phạm Ngọc Minh

Địa chỉ chủ sở hữu

51 Yên Thế, Tân Bình, TP Hồ Chí Minh-

Tên giám đốc

Địa chỉ
Kế toán trưởng

Địa chỉ
Ngành nghề chính NÔNG NGHIỆP, LÂM NGHIỆP VÀ THUỶ SẢN Loại thuế phải nộp
  • Giá trị gia tăng
  • Thu nhập doanh nghiệp

Từ khóa: 0105975444, 0438272289, Hà Nội, Quận Long Biên, Phường Bồ Đề, Phạm Ngọc Minh

Ngành nghề kinh doanh

STT Tên ngành Mã ngành

Doanh nghiệp chủ quản, Đơn vị thành viên, trực thuộc & Văn phòng đại diện

STT Mã số thuế Tên doanh nghiệp Địa chỉ
1 0105975444 Danang Aircraft Leasing No.2 Limited 4450 Atlantic Avenue, Westpark, Shannon, Ireand
2 0105975444 Danang Aircraft Leasing Limited 4450 Atlantic Avenue, Westpark, Shannon, Ireand
3 0105975444 Fansipan Aircraft Leasing Limited 4450 Atlantic Avenue, Westpark, Shannon, Ireand
4 0105975444 Fan Leasing Ireland III Ltd Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
5 0105975444 Celestial Aviation Trading 49 Limited (msn 294) Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
6 0105975444 Celestial Aviation Trading 49 Limited (msn 299) Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
7 0105975444 Celestial Aviation Trading 54 Limited (msn 590) Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
8 0105975444 Celestial Aviation Trading 54 Limited (msn 594) Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
9 0105975444 Celestial Aviation Trading 54 Limited (msn 605) Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
10 0105975444 Celestial Aviation Trading 54 Limited (msn 601) Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
11 0105975444 Macquarie Aerospace Ireland Limited 1st fl, Connaught House, 1 Burlington Rd, Ireland
12 0105975444 Sierra Leasing Limite 29 Richmond Rd, American International, Bermuda
13 0105975444 Amentum Aircraft Leasing No. Eleven Ltd 28 Upper Mount St, Dublin 2 Ireland
14 0105975444 Aviation Leasing Opco 5 S.a.r.l 9a Rue Gabriel Lippmann, L-5365 Munsbach, Luxembourg
15 0105975444 Aviation Leasing Opco 6 S.a.r.l 9a Rue Gabriel Lippmann, L-5365 Munsbach, Luxembourg
16 0105975444 Airlease Corporation (msn 1255) 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 600N, Los Angles, USD
17 0105975444 Airlease Corporation (msn 1256) 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 600N, Los Angles, USD
18 0105975444 Whitney Leasing Limited (msn 4311) 29 Richmond Rd, American International Bldg, Bermuda
19 0105975444 Whitney Leasing Limited (msn 3862) 29 Richmond Rd, American International Bldg, Bermuda
20 0105975444 Whitney Leasing Limited (msn 3964) 29 Richmond Rd, American International Bldg, Bermuda
21 0105975444 Whitney Leasing Limited (msn 3966) 29 Richmond Rd, American International Bldg, Bermuda
22 0105975444 International Lease Finance Corporation (msn 28688) 10250 Constellation Boulevard, 34th Fl, Los angles, USD
23 0105975444 International Lease Finance Corporation (msn 27607) 10250 Constellation Boulevard, 34th Fl, Los angles, USD
24 0105975444 International Lease Finance Corporation (msn 32716) 10250 Constellation Boulevard, 34th Fl, Los angles, USD
25 0105975444 International Lease Finance Corporation (msn 32717) 10250 Constellation Boulevard, 34th Fl, Los angles, USD
26 0105975444 International Lease Finance Corporation (msn 27608) 10250 Constellation Boulevard, 34th Fl, Los angles, USD
27 0105975444 Rotor Engines Ireland III Ltd Clarendon House, 2 Church Str, Hamilton, Bermuda
28 0105975444 Celestial Aviation Trading 100 Limited 733692 Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
29 0105975444 Celestial Aviation Trading 100 Limited 735095 Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
30 0105975444 Aerostar Leasing Limited 607 C/O 3F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Rd, Island East,Britis
31 0105975444 Aerostar Leasing Limited 611 C/O 3F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Rd, Island East,Britis
32 0105975444 Aerostar Leasing Limited 617 C/O 3F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Rd, Island East,Britis
33 0105975444 Aerostar Leasing Limited 619 C/O 3F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Rd, Island East,Britis
34 0105975444 Aerostar Leasing Limited 648 C/O 3F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Rd, Island East,Britis
35 0105975444 Aerostar Leasing Limited 650 C/O 3F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Rd, Island East,Britis
36 0105975444 Castle 2003-2H LLC 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1000N, Los Angles, USD
37 0105975444 International Lease Finance Corporation (msn 275) 10250 Constellation Boulevard, 34th Fl, Los angles, USD
38 0105975444 International Lease Finance Corporation (msn 366) 10250 Constellation Boulevard, 34th Fl, Los angles, USD
39 0105975444 Cambodia Angkor Air Ltd (899/906) 206A, Preah Norodom, Sangkat Tole, Basa, Phnom Penh, Cambodi
40 0105975444 Cambodia Angkor Air Ltd 2480 206A, Preah Norodom, Sangkat Tole, Basa, Phnom Penh, Cambodi
41 0105975444 Cambodia Angkor Air Ltd 3005 206A, Preah Norodom, Sangkat Tole, Basa, Phnom Penh, Cambodi
42 0105975444 Rishworth Aviation Limited 470 Parnell Rd, Auckland, New Zealand
43 0105975444 Parc Aviation Limited St.John's Court, Swords Rd, Santry, Dubin, Ireland
44 0105975444 Direct Personnel International Abco Kovex Bldg, Swords Business, Dubin, Ireland
45 0105975444 Euro- Pacific Aviation International Inc UO 195 Jalan Merdeka, Labuan Federal, Malaysia
46 0105975444 Kubo Design Icn 1702 41 st AV SW, Seattle, USA
47 0105975444 Dalic 41 Rue de Eaux, Vitre, France
48 0105975444 Airbus Weg Beim Jaeger 150 22335 Hamburg Germany
49 0105975444 Evergre en Aviation Technologies 6 Harng-jann Rd, C.K.S Airport, Taoyuan, Taiwan
50 0105975444 Wells Fargo Bank Northwest National Association 779302 260 North Charles Lindbergh Drive Salt Lake City, Utah
51 0105975444 Wells Fargo Bank Northwest National Association 577214 260 North Charles Lindbergh Drive Salt Lake City, Utah
STT Mã số thuế Tên doanh nghiệp Địa chỉ
1 0105975444 Danang Aircraft Leasing No.2 Limited 4450 Atlantic Avenue, Westpark, Shannon, Ireand
2 0105975444 Danang Aircraft Leasing Limited 4450 Atlantic Avenue, Westpark, Shannon, Ireand
3 0105975444 Fansipan Aircraft Leasing Limited 4450 Atlantic Avenue, Westpark, Shannon, Ireand
4 0105975444 Fan Leasing Ireland III Ltd Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
5 0105975444 Celestial Aviation Trading 49 Limited (msn 294) Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
6 0105975444 Celestial Aviation Trading 49 Limited (msn 299) Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
7 0105975444 Celestial Aviation Trading 54 Limited (msn 590) Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
8 0105975444 Celestial Aviation Trading 54 Limited (msn 594) Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
9 0105975444 Celestial Aviation Trading 54 Limited (msn 605) Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
10 0105975444 Celestial Aviation Trading 54 Limited (msn 601) Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
11 0105975444 Macquarie Aerospace Ireland Limited 1st fl, Connaught House, 1 Burlington Rd, Ireland
12 0105975444 Sierra Leasing Limite 29 Richmond Rd, American International, Bermuda
13 0105975444 Amentum Aircraft Leasing No. Eleven Ltd 28 Upper Mount St, Dublin 2 Ireland
14 0105975444 Aviation Leasing Opco 5 S.a.r.l 9a Rue Gabriel Lippmann, L-5365 Munsbach, Luxembourg
15 0105975444 Aviation Leasing Opco 6 S.a.r.l 9a Rue Gabriel Lippmann, L-5365 Munsbach, Luxembourg
16 0105975444 Airlease Corporation (msn 1255) 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 600N, Los Angles, USD
17 0105975444 Airlease Corporation (msn 1256) 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 600N, Los Angles, USD
18 0105975444 Whitney Leasing Limited (msn 4311) 29 Richmond Rd, American International Bldg, Bermuda
19 0105975444 Whitney Leasing Limited (msn 3862) 29 Richmond Rd, American International Bldg, Bermuda
20 0105975444 Whitney Leasing Limited (msn 3964) 29 Richmond Rd, American International Bldg, Bermuda
21 0105975444 Whitney Leasing Limited (msn 3966) 29 Richmond Rd, American International Bldg, Bermuda
22 0105975444 International Lease Finance Corporation (msn 28688) 10250 Constellation Boulevard, 34th Fl, Los angles, USD
23 0105975444 International Lease Finance Corporation (msn 27607) 10250 Constellation Boulevard, 34th Fl, Los angles, USD
24 0105975444 International Lease Finance Corporation (msn 32716) 10250 Constellation Boulevard, 34th Fl, Los angles, USD
25 0105975444 International Lease Finance Corporation (msn 32717) 10250 Constellation Boulevard, 34th Fl, Los angles, USD
26 0105975444 International Lease Finance Corporation (msn 27608) 10250 Constellation Boulevard, 34th Fl, Los angles, USD
27 0105975444 Rotor Engines Ireland III Ltd Clarendon House, 2 Church Str, Hamilton, Bermuda
28 0105975444 Celestial Aviation Trading 100 Limited 733692 Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
29 0105975444 Celestial Aviation Trading 100 Limited 735095 Aviation House, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland
30 0105975444 Aerostar Leasing Limited 607 C/O 3F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Rd, Island East,Britis
31 0105975444 Aerostar Leasing Limited 611 C/O 3F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Rd, Island East,Britis
32 0105975444 Aerostar Leasing Limited 617 C/O 3F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Rd, Island East,Britis
33 0105975444 Aerostar Leasing Limited 619 C/O 3F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Rd, Island East,Britis
34 0105975444 Aerostar Leasing Limited 648 C/O 3F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Rd, Island East,Britis
35 0105975444 Aerostar Leasing Limited 650 C/O 3F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Rd, Island East,Britis
36 0105975444 Castle 2003-2H LLC 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1000N, Los Angles, USD
37 0105975444 International Lease Finance Corporation (msn 275) 10250 Constellation Boulevard, 34th Fl, Los angles, USD
38 0105975444 International Lease Finance Corporation (msn 366) 10250 Constellation Boulevard, 34th Fl, Los angles, USD
39 0105975444 Cambodia Angkor Air Ltd (899/906) 206A, Preah Norodom, Sangkat Tole, Basa, Phnom Penh, Cambodi
40 0105975444 Cambodia Angkor Air Ltd 2480 206A, Preah Norodom, Sangkat Tole, Basa, Phnom Penh, Cambodi
41 0105975444 Cambodia Angkor Air Ltd 3005 206A, Preah Norodom, Sangkat Tole, Basa, Phnom Penh, Cambodi
42 0105975444 Rishworth Aviation Limited 470 Parnell Rd, Auckland, New Zealand
43 0105975444 Parc Aviation Limited St.John's Court, Swords Rd, Santry, Dubin, Ireland
44 0105975444 Direct Personnel International Abco Kovex Bldg, Swords Business, Dubin, Ireland
45 0105975444 Euro- Pacific Aviation International Inc UO 195 Jalan Merdeka, Labuan Federal, Malaysia
46 0105975444 Kubo Design Icn 1702 41 st AV SW, Seattle, USA
47 0105975444 Dalic 41 Rue de Eaux, Vitre, France
48 0105975444 Airbus Weg Beim Jaeger 150 22335 Hamburg Germany
49 0105975444 Evergre en Aviation Technologies 6 Harng-jann Rd, C.K.S Airport, Taoyuan, Taiwan
50 0105975444 Wells Fargo Bank Northwest National Association 779302 260 North Charles Lindbergh Drive Salt Lake City, Utah
51 0105975444 Wells Fargo Bank Northwest National Association 577214 260 North Charles Lindbergh Drive Salt Lake City, Utah