Tìm kiếm doanh nghiệp

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Hệ thống hỗ trợ việc tìm kiếm với Tiếng Việt không dấu

Japan Viet Nam Petroleum Co., Ltd nộp hộ thuế

Japan Viet Nam Petroleum Co., Ltd nộp hộ thuế có địa chỉ tại Số 08 Hoàng Diệu, phường 1 - Thành Phố Vũng Tàu - Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu. Mã số thuế 3500828206 Đăng ký & quản lý bởi Cục Thuế Tỉnh Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu

Ngành nghề kinh doanh chính: Khai khoáng khác chưa được phân vào đâu

Cập nhật: 9 năm trước

Thông tin chi tiết

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Mã số ĐTNT


Ngày cấp 05-12-2007 Ngày đóng MST
Tên chính thức

Japan Viet Nam Petroleum Co., Ltd nộp hộ thuế

Tên giao dịch

Nơi đăng ký quản lý Cục Thuế Tỉnh Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu Điện thoại / Fax 064.856937 / 064.856943
Địa chỉ trụ sở

Số 08 Hoàng Diệu, phường 1 - Thành Phố Vũng Tàu - Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu

Nơi đăng ký nộp thuế Điện thoại / Fax 064.856937 / 064.856943
Địa chỉ nhận thông báo thuế Số 08 Hoàng Diệu, phường 1 - - Thành Phố Vũng Tàu - Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu
QĐTL/Ngày cấp / C.Q ra quyết định
GPKD/Ngày cấp / Cơ quan cấp
Năm tài chính Mã số hiện thời Ngày nhận TK 05-12-2007
Ngày bắt đầu HĐ Vốn điều lệ Tổng số lao động
Cấp Chương loại khoản 1-161-040-069 Hình thức h.toán Độc lập PP tính thuế GTGT Trực tiếp doanh thu
Chủ sở hữu

Hiroshi Suzuki

Địa chỉ chủ sở hữu

Số 08 Hoàng Diệu, phường 1-

Tên giám đốc

Địa chỉ
Kế toán trưởng

Địa chỉ
Ngành nghề chính Khai khoáng khác chưa được phân vào đâu Loại thuế phải nộp
  • Giá trị gia tăng
  • Thu nhập doanh nghiệp
  • Môn bài

Từ khóa: 3500828206, 064.856937, Vũng Tàu, Bà Rịa, Hiroshi Suzuki

Ngành nghề kinh doanh

STT Tên ngành Mã ngành
1 Khai khoáng khác chưa được phân vào đâu 08990

Doanh nghiệp chủ quản, Đơn vị thành viên, trực thuộc & Văn phòng đại diện

STT Mã số thuế Tên doanh nghiệp Địa chỉ
1 3500828206 ABB Vetco Gray (Pte) Ltd 2 Benoi Road, Singapore 629876
2 3500828206 American Bureau of Shipping 438 Alexandra Road, #10-00, Singapore, 911147
3 3500828206 Amsito Worldwide (BVI) Ltd Lot C10-2, Jalan Ampang Utana 1/1, West Malaysia
4 3500828206 Arafura Safely Management Services Suite 1601-03 Kwinwick Center, Hong Kong SAR, PR, China
5 3500828206 Asia Pacific Drilling Services Pte Ltd 138 Cecil Street, #15-00 Cecil Court, Singapore
6 3500828206 Aspen Technology, Inc 371 Beach Road, #23-01 Keypoint, Singapore
7 3500828206 Avena Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd Level 59 Tower 2, Petronas, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
8 3500828206 Australian Drilling Consultans Eas Perth W.A.6004 Australia
9 3500828206 Aviation Management Systems Pte Ltd 50 Raffles Place#34-02A, Singapore 048623
10 3500828206 Awatra Sdn.Bhd Bangunan Awatra, Lot 615 Pellin Commercial, Malaysia
11 3500828206 Baker Hughes Tools 273 Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim, Singapore 629150
12 3500828206 Bake Oil Tools Bitexco Building, 2nd Floor, 19-25 Nguyễn Huệ, Q1, TPHCM
13 3500828206 BJ Services Company (s) Pte Ltd PTSC Supply Base, Downstream Port, số 65 đường 30/4
14 3500828206 CMA Systems Pty Ltd 11/85 Reid Promenade, Joondalup AW 6027, Australia 6027
15 3500828206 Compressor Controls Coporation 4725 121 st Street, Des Moines, IA 50323-2316, USA
16 3500828206 CTES, L.P 9870 Pozos Lane, Conroe, TX 77303
17 3500828206 Daiichi Jitsugyo Co. Ltd 11-19 Nibacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0084, Japan
18 3500828206 Det Norske Veritas AS Vietnam 04 Lê Quý Đôn
19 3500828206 Edingburgh Petroleum Services Ltd 8 Jalan Perak 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
20 3500828206 Emerson Process Management (AUST) 20 Saniorgio Court Osborne Park WA 6017
21 3500828206 Emerson Process Management (SIN) 1 Pandan Crescent, Singapore 128461, Singapore
22 3500828206 Enress International Ruysdaellaan 3, 3712 AP Huis ter Heide, The Netherlands
23 3500828206 Excel Drilling Services E 1367, Jalang Wong Ah Jang, 25100 Kuatan, Malaysia
24 3500828206 Farstad Shipping Pte Ltd Reg.No200310464E,78 Shenton Way#19-02Lippo Centre,Singapore
25 3500828206 F.H Bertling Pte Ltd 1 Magazine Road Central Mall, #04-06, Singapore 059567
26 3500828206 Furgro Singapore Pte Ltd 159 Sin Ming Road, #06-07 amtech Building, Singapore 575625
27 3500828206 General Electric Int'l Inc 240 Tanjong Pagar Road, Singapore 088540
28 3500828206 GeoMechanic International Suite 1, Level3, 55 St George's Terrace, Rerth, Australia
29 3500828206 Geoservices Eastern Inc G2 Building Room 320,Ward 27, Thanh Đa, Q, Bình Thạnh, TPHCM
30 3500828206 Global Industries Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Surplus, LA 70664-0442, USA
31 3500828206 Halliburton International Unit 1207A, 37 Tôn Đức Thắng, Q1, TPHCM
32 3500828206 HIMA Australia Ltd 2/21 Frederick Street, Belmont WA 6104, Australia
33 3500828206 International SOS Pte Ltd 65 Nguyễn Du, Quận 1, TPHCM
34 3500828206 Japan Drilling Co., Ltd 6F Shin-Horidome Bldg, 2-4-3 Nihonbashi Horidome-cho, Tokyo,
35 3500828206 Jim Truscott & Associates Pty Ltd 15 Kylie Street Wembley Downs, Perth Australia 6019
36 3500828206 Kana Consultans Ltd Penthouse Level Offices, 8 Temasek Boulevard, Singapore
37 3500828206 KH Utama Sdn Bhd 86 Jalan BU 4/11,Bandar Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
38 3500828206 Lloyd's Register 71 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4BS, United Kingdom
39 3500828206 Marine Eng.Serv.Pte Ltd (ESG-SD) 29 International Business Park,#07-05Acer Building,Singapor
40 3500828206 MEM Energy Services No. 25 Link Road, Singapore 619038
41 3500828206 Mermaid Offshore Services Ltd 789/55 Moo 1, Nong Kham, Sriracha Cholburi 20230, Thailand
42 3500828206 Mitsubishi Corporation 6-3 Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Japan
43 3500828206 Motorsport Pty Ltd null
44 3500828206 Offshore Design Limited (ODL) Buchanan House 63 Summer Street, Aberdeen AB 10 1SJ, UK
45 3500828206 Offshore Weather Services Pty Ltd 12th Floor, North Wing Menara Getah Malaysia, Jalan Ampang,
46 3500828206 OGT Inspection Pte Ltd 1 Science Centre Road, #04-08 the Enterprise, Singapore
47 3500828206 Oil Plus Ltd Hambridge Road, Newbury Berkshire RG 14 5SS, England
48 3500828206 P/R Intl Offshore (Farstad Shipping Pte) Reg.No20031046E,78 Shenton Way#19-02 Lippo Centre,Singapore
49 3500828206 Palisade Asia Pacific Pty Ltd 8 Cliff Street, Level1,Suite1,Milsons Point, Australia
50 3500828206 Peloton E.U.B.V Laan van Kronenburg 8, 1183 AS Amstelveen, USA
51 3500828206 Platte River Associates, Inc 2790 Valmont Road Boulder, CO 80304, USA
52 3500828206 PT Drilling Services 115 Jalan Hujan Manik, Tama OUG, Malaysia
53 3500828206 Reef Drilling Consultants Pty Ltd 20 Kylena Glade Ocean Reef, Western Australia 6027
54 3500828206 Resouces Systems & Services Pty Ltd Unit 4/417 Walcott Street Mt Lawley, Western Australian 6050
55 3500828206 Rock Solid Images Sdn.Bhd Level 40,Tower2, Petronas Twin Towers,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
56 3500828206 Romona International Ltd Suite 15, Beaufort Court, Admirals Way, London, E 14 9 XL
57 3500828206 Roxar Sdn Bhd Suites 2108-2110, Level 21, Plaza, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
58 3500828206 Schlumberger Seaco, Inc Icaza, Gonzalez-Ruiz&Aleman, Panama
59 3500828206 Ship Vet Services (SVS) The Coach House, West Dilston House, Aldbrought St.John,
60 3500828206 Siemens Industrial Services 11/1M004 Phuttamonthon,Tambol Homkred Amphur Sampran,Thailan
61 3500828206 Simtronics P.O.Box 314, Okern, N-0511, Oslo, Norway
62 3500828206 Smith International Inc Jatty Drive, Loyang Offshore Supply Base, Singapore
63 3500828206 Sedco Forex International Inc 18 Calle Aquillion de la Guardi, Panama City, Panama
64 3500828206 Software Sources Ltd 64 Hasharon Street, P.O.Box 639 Ra'anana, 43106, Israel
65 3500828206 Solar Turbines 14 Tractor Road, Singapore 627973
66 3500828206 Sparrows Offshore Services Ltd 82 Chisholm Crescent, Kewdale WA 6105, Australia
67 3500828206 Sulzer Pumps Asia Pacific Pte Ltd #300 Beach Road#09-01, Concourse Bldg, Singapore 1995550
68 3500828206 Sunshine Offshore Corporation 80 Raffles Place 18-20 UOB Plaza2, Singapore 048624
69 3500828206 TAM International Asia Pacific Pty Ltd 4620 Southerland, Houston, Texas 77092
70 3500828206 TDD Fiddestone House,Findon, Aberdeen, AB12 4RL, Scotland
71 3500828206 Transtel Engineering Pte Ltd 1 Jalan Kilang#06-00 Dynasty Building Singapore 159402
72 3500828206 Weatherford Asia pacific Pte Ltd Singapore 307684
73 3500828206 Wlitrading (W.A) Pty Ltd 20 Mews Road, Fremantle, Western Australia 6160
STT Mã số thuế Tên doanh nghiệp Địa chỉ
1 3500828206 ABB Vetco Gray (Pte) Ltd 2 Benoi Road, Singapore 629876
2 3500828206 American Bureau of Shipping 438 Alexandra Road, #10-00, Singapore, 911147
3 3500828206 Amsito Worldwide (BVI) Ltd Lot C10-2, Jalan Ampang Utana 1/1, West Malaysia
4 3500828206 Arafura Safely Management Services Suite 1601-03 Kwinwick Center, Hong Kong SAR, PR, China
5 3500828206 Asia Pacific Drilling Services Pte Ltd 138 Cecil Street, #15-00 Cecil Court, Singapore
6 3500828206 Aspen Technology, Inc 371 Beach Road, #23-01 Keypoint, Singapore
7 3500828206 Avena Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd Level 59 Tower 2, Petronas, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
8 3500828206 Australian Drilling Consultans Eas Perth W.A.6004 Australia
9 3500828206 Aviation Management Systems Pte Ltd 50 Raffles Place#34-02A, Singapore 048623
10 3500828206 Awatra Sdn.Bhd Bangunan Awatra, Lot 615 Pellin Commercial, Malaysia
11 3500828206 Baker Hughes Tools 273 Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim, Singapore 629150
12 3500828206 Bake Oil Tools Bitexco Building, 2nd Floor, 19-25 Nguyễn Huệ, Q1, TPHCM
13 3500828206 BJ Services Company (s) Pte Ltd PTSC Supply Base, Downstream Port, số 65 đường 30/4
14 3500828206 CMA Systems Pty Ltd 11/85 Reid Promenade, Joondalup AW 6027, Australia 6027
15 3500828206 Compressor Controls Coporation 4725 121 st Street, Des Moines, IA 50323-2316, USA
16 3500828206 CTES, L.P 9870 Pozos Lane, Conroe, TX 77303
17 3500828206 Daiichi Jitsugyo Co. Ltd 11-19 Nibacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0084, Japan
18 3500828206 Det Norske Veritas AS Vietnam 04 Lê Quý Đôn
19 3500828206 Edingburgh Petroleum Services Ltd 8 Jalan Perak 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
20 3500828206 Emerson Process Management (AUST) 20 Saniorgio Court Osborne Park WA 6017
21 3500828206 Emerson Process Management (SIN) 1 Pandan Crescent, Singapore 128461, Singapore
22 3500828206 Enress International Ruysdaellaan 3, 3712 AP Huis ter Heide, The Netherlands
23 3500828206 Excel Drilling Services E 1367, Jalang Wong Ah Jang, 25100 Kuatan, Malaysia
24 3500828206 Farstad Shipping Pte Ltd Reg.No200310464E,78 Shenton Way#19-02Lippo Centre,Singapore
25 3500828206 F.H Bertling Pte Ltd 1 Magazine Road Central Mall, #04-06, Singapore 059567
26 3500828206 Furgro Singapore Pte Ltd 159 Sin Ming Road, #06-07 amtech Building, Singapore 575625
27 3500828206 General Electric Int'l Inc 240 Tanjong Pagar Road, Singapore 088540
28 3500828206 GeoMechanic International Suite 1, Level3, 55 St George's Terrace, Rerth, Australia
29 3500828206 Geoservices Eastern Inc G2 Building Room 320,Ward 27, Thanh Đa, Q, Bình Thạnh, TPHCM
30 3500828206 Global Industries Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Surplus, LA 70664-0442, USA
31 3500828206 Halliburton International Unit 1207A, 37 Tôn Đức Thắng, Q1, TPHCM
32 3500828206 HIMA Australia Ltd 2/21 Frederick Street, Belmont WA 6104, Australia
33 3500828206 International SOS Pte Ltd 65 Nguyễn Du, Quận 1, TPHCM
34 3500828206 Japan Drilling Co., Ltd 6F Shin-Horidome Bldg, 2-4-3 Nihonbashi Horidome-cho, Tokyo,
35 3500828206 Jim Truscott & Associates Pty Ltd 15 Kylie Street Wembley Downs, Perth Australia 6019
36 3500828206 Kana Consultans Ltd Penthouse Level Offices, 8 Temasek Boulevard, Singapore
37 3500828206 KH Utama Sdn Bhd 86 Jalan BU 4/11,Bandar Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
38 3500828206 Lloyd's Register 71 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4BS, United Kingdom
39 3500828206 Marine Eng.Serv.Pte Ltd (ESG-SD) 29 International Business Park,#07-05Acer Building,Singapor
40 3500828206 MEM Energy Services No. 25 Link Road, Singapore 619038
41 3500828206 Mermaid Offshore Services Ltd 789/55 Moo 1, Nong Kham, Sriracha Cholburi 20230, Thailand
42 3500828206 Mitsubishi Corporation 6-3 Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Japan
43 3500828206 Motorsport Pty Ltd null
44 3500828206 Offshore Design Limited (ODL) Buchanan House 63 Summer Street, Aberdeen AB 10 1SJ, UK
45 3500828206 Offshore Weather Services Pty Ltd 12th Floor, North Wing Menara Getah Malaysia, Jalan Ampang,
46 3500828206 OGT Inspection Pte Ltd 1 Science Centre Road, #04-08 the Enterprise, Singapore
47 3500828206 Oil Plus Ltd Hambridge Road, Newbury Berkshire RG 14 5SS, England
48 3500828206 P/R Intl Offshore (Farstad Shipping Pte) Reg.No20031046E,78 Shenton Way#19-02 Lippo Centre,Singapore
49 3500828206 Palisade Asia Pacific Pty Ltd 8 Cliff Street, Level1,Suite1,Milsons Point, Australia
50 3500828206 Peloton E.U.B.V Laan van Kronenburg 8, 1183 AS Amstelveen, USA
51 3500828206 Platte River Associates, Inc 2790 Valmont Road Boulder, CO 80304, USA
52 3500828206 PT Drilling Services 115 Jalan Hujan Manik, Tama OUG, Malaysia
53 3500828206 Reef Drilling Consultants Pty Ltd 20 Kylena Glade Ocean Reef, Western Australia 6027
54 3500828206 Resouces Systems & Services Pty Ltd Unit 4/417 Walcott Street Mt Lawley, Western Australian 6050
55 3500828206 Rock Solid Images Sdn.Bhd Level 40,Tower2, Petronas Twin Towers,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
56 3500828206 Romona International Ltd Suite 15, Beaufort Court, Admirals Way, London, E 14 9 XL
57 3500828206 Roxar Sdn Bhd Suites 2108-2110, Level 21, Plaza, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
58 3500828206 Schlumberger Seaco, Inc Icaza, Gonzalez-Ruiz&Aleman, Panama
59 3500828206 Ship Vet Services (SVS) The Coach House, West Dilston House, Aldbrought St.John,
60 3500828206 Siemens Industrial Services 11/1M004 Phuttamonthon,Tambol Homkred Amphur Sampran,Thailan
61 3500828206 Simtronics P.O.Box 314, Okern, N-0511, Oslo, Norway
62 3500828206 Smith International Inc Jatty Drive, Loyang Offshore Supply Base, Singapore
63 3500828206 Sedco Forex International Inc 18 Calle Aquillion de la Guardi, Panama City, Panama
64 3500828206 Software Sources Ltd 64 Hasharon Street, P.O.Box 639 Ra'anana, 43106, Israel
65 3500828206 Solar Turbines 14 Tractor Road, Singapore 627973
66 3500828206 Sparrows Offshore Services Ltd 82 Chisholm Crescent, Kewdale WA 6105, Australia
67 3500828206 Sulzer Pumps Asia Pacific Pte Ltd #300 Beach Road#09-01, Concourse Bldg, Singapore 1995550
68 3500828206 Sunshine Offshore Corporation 80 Raffles Place 18-20 UOB Plaza2, Singapore 048624
69 3500828206 TAM International Asia Pacific Pty Ltd 4620 Southerland, Houston, Texas 77092
70 3500828206 TDD Fiddestone House,Findon, Aberdeen, AB12 4RL, Scotland
71 3500828206 Transtel Engineering Pte Ltd 1 Jalan Kilang#06-00 Dynasty Building Singapore 159402
72 3500828206 Weatherford Asia pacific Pte Ltd Singapore 307684
73 3500828206 Wlitrading (W.A) Pty Ltd 20 Mews Road, Fremantle, Western Australia 6160